Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thing 17 - Sandbox Wiki )

Well I did that!  Made and account and added a few entires  of my favourite things.  That was easy.  I don't think I would ever use it again though. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wikis - Library thing 16
I quite enjoyed looking into this one.  I liked the SJCPL subject guides  for that particular library, I thought that was a good idea and it helps others.  Persons can add to it which it makes more helpful.
Book Lovers Wiki - what a good idea!  It is also  a way of getting  children or adults to use the net, put their comments across.
My idea  for the library Wiki - To  do it inconjunction with the library event and make it part of the event, most likely for children.   Probably similar to the Book Lovers Wiki.  

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thing 15    Library 2-0
Read all but one of the perspectives on Library 2.0 from the listed links. These were written a few years back now but still relevant. I liked the article " Away from the Icebergs" especially the the piece titled  "reliance on user education" and agree with this.  As I am of the old vintage I find it a challenge to keep up with new technology and gadgets. Young ones seem to grasp it ever so easily. 
I think to provide a library service  for patrons they will have to keep up with new advances and changes in technology-driven applications for its library users. Learning is the hard part for us old vintage not just for library users but for the library staff.  

Friday, June 11, 2010

thing 14 - Technorati
I did have a look around in Technorati. 
No doubt the website has changed somewhat since first having to do these 23 things. We had exercises to do but due to the changes the exercises did not make sense.   Had a look at tags and searched by them.  Had a look  at  a few other things.
I was not keen on Technorati and I don't think I would use again.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Delicious thing 13
 I had a look at  Delicious and had alook around.  I don't think I would use it.  Maybe of use to some people but not for me.